Wednesday, 29 October 2008

HDC Media Groups Green Policy - CD Duplication

Reduce, Reuse & Recycle
A brief overview of what we've done, doing, and want to do to reduce HDC Media Groups carbon footprint and impact on the environment in 2008.Our green policy is to constantly look for ways in which we can improve our green credentials. We are achieving this by appointing a "green officer" to explore ways to achieve our statement promises.

What We've Done
Our website is hosted on solar powered servers.
Offer a free recycling service to our customers.
Recycle all plastic, glass, tin, paper, cardboard, CD's and DVD's within our office.
We have installed multi-functional devices (for faxing, printing and photocopying) in our office that will reduce energy and paper usage.
We reuse, or recycle, all of our incoming packaging materials (cardboard, shredded paper, etc)
We are using 100% use of digital photography for the production of marketing materials. This minimises the use of film developing chemicals.
Taken advantage of natural light as much as possible by installing skylights.

What We're Doing Now
Wherever possible we try and purchase goods and services locally, to help the local economy and to reduce carbon miles.
Integrate environmental consideration into all of our decision-making activities.
We now print on office paper from either recycled or sustainable sources.
Turn off all electrical equipment instead of leaving them on standby. (Even at dinnertime).

What We Want To Do Next
Continue to look at new areas for reducing our environmental impact.
Keep encouraging e-mailing. When paper is necessary, photocopy on both sides
Buy more office plants as they absorb airborne pollutants and negative ions from computers, whilst emitting oxygen.

CD Duplication -



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