Monday, 10 November 2008

It's official: consumers like their packages

Rather than discarding DVD and video game packaging, consumers overwhelmingly store their DVDs and video games in their original cases, according to a joint study commissioned by the Content Delivery and Storage Association (CDSA) and the Entertainment Merchants Association (EMA), and conducted by The NPD Group.

No surprise to packaging companies who have been saying this all along.

The study also found that when consumers no longer want to keep a particular DVD or video game title, they rarely throw it away or recycle it, preferring instead to give it away or sell or trade it. Eighty-nine percent of DVD owners and 88% of video game owners store their DVDs and video games in their original cases.

Five percent of DVD owners and 8% of video game owners store their discs in plastic sleeves but save the original cases. Only six percent of DVD owners and 5% of video game owners said they throw away or recycle the cases. When they no longer want to own a title, 45% of DVD owners give the title to someone else, as will 24% of game owners.

Fifty-four percent of video game owners will trade it in or sell it; for DVD owners the rate is 27%. Twenty percent of DVD owners and 17% of game owners store the discs. Only 2% of DVD owners and 4% of video game owners recycle or throw the product away.

CD Duplication by HDC Media



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